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The Extracorporeal Life Support Common Data Model (ECLS CDM) is a community-driven expansion for the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (OMOP CDM).

Why is the ECLS CDM necessary?

With the growth of technology in medicine, interoperability and quick interchange of medical data has become increasingly important. The OMOP CDM, one of the major common data models in medicine, provides a fantastic framework for data collection but, unfortunately, lacks the option to collect data related to extracorporeal life support (ECLS) sufficiently.

With the introduction of specially designed tables tailored to each ECLS circuit component, we can overcome this limitation by providing the tools necessary to comprehensively collect and process data accumulating as soon as patients are put on ECLS.

The ECLS CDM is...

  • 100% open-source in the spirit of the OMOP CDM and open to community contributions
  • data privacy-friendly by being self-hosted
  • inspired by the infastructure of the ELSO Registry and uses similar terminology
  • officially endorsed by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) and by OHDSI as stakeholder institution of the OMOP CDM.

The ECLS CDM aims to be compliant and interoperable with the ELSO Registry. A detailed documentation for dedicated ETL guidelines will be provided on this website in the future.


The ECLS CDM oversees data collection for standard ECLS applications and is set to be expanded to incorporate specialized therapy regimens, including ECPR, trauma-related ECLS therapy, and COVID-19 treatments (referred to as "addenda” in the ELSO Registry).

Basic usage

If you are new to the OMOP CDM, please refer to the official documentation provided by OHDSI to learn about the concepts behind the OMOP CDM and how to use it. Data typically stored within the OMOP CDM standardized clinical data tables are:

  • Person: Demographic information about each patient, such as gender, year of birth, race, and ethnicity.
  • Observation Period: Time periods during which a patient is under observation and data is recorded.
  • Visit Occurrence: Details of healthcare visits, including visit type (inpatient, outpatient, etc.), start and end dates, and healthcare provider information.
  • Condition Occurrence: Records of patient conditions or diagnoses, including the condition code, condition start and end dates, and the source of the condition data.
  • Drug Exposure: Information about medications prescribed and dispensed to patients, including drug codes, dosage, route of administration, and dates of exposure.
  • Procedure Occurrence: Data on clinical procedures performed on patients, including procedure codes, dates, and providers.
  • Measurement: Results of clinical measurements (e.g., lab tests, vital signs), including measurement codes, values, units, and dates.
  • Observation: Miscellaneous clinical observations about a patient that do not fit into other categories, including observation codes, values, and dates.
  • Device Exposure: Records of medical devices used by patients, including device codes, dates of usage, and related information.
  • Specimen: Information about biological specimens collected from patients, including specimen type, source, and collection details.

In contrast, the ECLS CDM only handles data regarding:

  • the ECLS exposure
  • the circuit
  • the mode of operation
  • components, such as cannulas, membrane lungs, consoles, temperature regulation devices and blood pumps
  • materials of the single components

Other useful resources if you are new to OHDSI are:

  • The Book of OHDSI - Intended to become a central knowledge repository for all OHDSI-related processes.
  • OHDSI Website - Your entry into the world of OHDSI.
  • OHDSI Forums - If you have questions, OHDSI's active community with multiple people from various backgrounds are ready to help.


Frequently used terms in the context of extracorporeal life support are well defined by two landmark publications, the so-called ELSO Maastricht Treaties.


The ECLS CDM was designed for the OMOP CDM, version 5.4.