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This table stores information about the blood pumps in use.

Column name Required Data Type
blood_pump_id True integer, generated always as identity
start_datetime True timestamptz
stop_datetime (True) timestamptz
person_id True integer
stop_reason_concept_id (True) integer
material_id True integer
sn text
lot text
ref text
udi text


The primary key column.


The date and time when the blood pump was started.


The date and time when the blood pump was removed.


Blood pumps are usually not changed in a running circuit. So they typically have the same start_datetime and stop_datetime as the corresponding circuit.


The foreign key to the person table.


The foreign key to the concept table.
Record the reason why the blood pump was stopped.

Refer to Stop reasons for details on stopping the run, circuit and/or component properly.


The foreign key to the ecls_blood_pump_material table.


If applicable, the serial number of the blood pump.


If applicable, the lot number of the blood pump.


If applicable, the reference number of the blood pump. This is usually the manufacturer's internal model number.


If applicable, the whole data matrix/bar code of the Unique Device Identifier, consisting of UDI-DI + UDI-PI.