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The ecls_circuit_component table is designed as many-to-many table to flexibly link components with a circuit. This design is necessary, since components (usually cannulas) can change between circuits.

Column name Required Data Type
circuit_component_id True integer, generated always as identity
start_datetime True timestamptz
stop_datetime (True) timestamptz
person_id True integer
circuit_id True integer
component_type_concept_id True integer
component_id True integer


The primary key.


Use the date and time when a component was added to a circuit.


Use the date and time when a component was removed from the circuit.


The foreign key to the person table.


The foreign key to the ecls_circuit table.


The foreign key to the concept table.
This attribute will define, what type of component was connected to the circuit. Choose one of the following high-level concepts:

Allowed concepts:

concept_id concept_name comment
4260370 Pump
36717850 Extracorporeal life support cannula
45768426 Console
4180582 Artificial lung
36717854 Extracorporeal life support temperature regulation device


Use the primary key of the corresponding entry from the fitting table.