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This table stores information about the membrane lungs in use. A circuit usually consists of at least one membrane lung.

Column name Required Data Type
membrane_lung_id True integer, generated always as identity
start_datetime True timestamptz
stop_datetime (True) timestamptz
person_id True integer
priming_solution_concept_id True integer
stop_reason_concept_id (True) integer
material_id True integer
sn text
lot text
ref text
udi text


The primary key.


Use the date and time when the membrane lung was added.


Use the date and time when the membrane lung was removed.


The foreign key to the person table.


The foreign key to the concept table.
Various priming solutions are used when potentially priming a new membrane lung. If the circuit and membrane lung were primed in the same moment, choose the same concepts:

Allowed concepts:

concept_id concept_name comment
4162581 Sodium chloride solution Sodium chloride a placeholder for any crystalline fluid. This is necessary due to design of the drug vocabularies used by the OMOP CDM.
4226865 Blood
37311619 Albumin human


The foreign key to the concept table.
Choose the right concept to describe, why the membrane lung was removed.

Allowed concepts:

concept_id concept_name comment
4149524 Patient's condition improved
40483850 Treatment changed Indicating that the membrane lung was not necessary anymore.
434489 Dead
4154766 Moribund
36717814 Acute obstruction to extracorporeal blood flow
36717815 Increasing resistance to extracorporeal blood flow
36717816 Air in extracorporeal life support circuit or component
36717819 Accidental dislodgement of extracorporeal life support component
36717820 Decreased efficiency of extracorporeal membrane lung
36717826 Coagulopathy caused by extracorporeal membrane lung
36717831 Hemolysis caused by extracorporeal membrane lung
36717836 Blood clot in extracorporeal membrane lung
36717838 Extracorporeal membrane lung failure
36717844 Impaired structural integrity of extracorporeal life support circuit or component
44790553 Following protocol If the center demands a change/stop of the component, use this concept.
36717877 End of product life-cycle


The foreign key field to the ECLS CDM ecls_membrane_lung_material table.


If applicable, the serial number of the membrane lung.


If applicable, the lot number of the membrane lung.


If applicable, the reference number of the membrane lung. This is usually the manufacturer's internal model number.


If applicable, the whole data matrix/bar code of the Unique Device Identifier, consisting of UDI-DI + UDI-PI.