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ECLS Concepts

We have gathered concepts commonly used in the context of ECLS. These should assist you in implementing the OMOP CDM and the ECLS CDM expansion more quickly and efficiently within your local infrastructure.

Observations with an unknown timestamp

Sometimes, the exact timing of medical procedures, lab measurements, or disease onset is unknown. By OMOP CDM conventions you can capture these data using the observation table with two concepts:

  1. 1340204, History of event as observation_concept_id
  2. The actual observation as value_as_concept_id


You can limit the timeframe by using any History of event child that is more precise. Click here for more concepts.


Capturing the right diagnoses is an important task, especially for patients supported by an extracorporeal circuit. Diagnoses should be captured in the condition_occurrence table. When entering conditions, make sure to set a proper condition_status_concept_id. Typical concepts are:

concept_id concept_name table comment
32890 Admission diagnosis condition_occurrence
32896 Discharge diagnosis condition_occurrence
32902 Primary diagnosis condition_occurrence
32908 Secondary diagnosis condition_occurrence


In line with standard mapping rules, pre-existing conditions will be captured in the observation table. Click here for more types of diagnosis.

ECLS-specific concepts

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)

A typical condition seen in neonatal patients is a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, where abdominal organs protrude into the thoracic cavity, potentially impacting lung function and cardiac output.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717796 Left congenital diaphragmatic hernia condition_occurrence
36717797 Right congenital diaphragmatic hernia condition_occurrence


The repair is captured using 4147525, Repair of neonatal diaphragmatic hernia as procedure or observation, if the exact point in time is not known (see above).

ECLS as bridge to...

The intention to treat is different for every patient. Choose accordingly:

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717798 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to recovery observation
36717799 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to transplant observation
36717800 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to lung transplant observation
36717801 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to heart transplant observation
36717802 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to combined heart-lung transplant observation
36717803 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to decision observation
36717804 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to destination observation
36717805 Extracorporeal life support as bridge to long-term mechanical circulatory support observation
36717806 Extracorporeal life support as periprocedural support observation
36717807 Extracorporeal life support as interval support for organ retrieval observation

Blood samples drawn from the ECLS circuit

The OMOP CDM provides multiple methods for storing blood sample data. The measurement table can be populated using either pre-coordinated concepts (usually LOINC-based) or concepts combined with the specimen table. The specimen table is designed to identify the origin of a biological sample. Both entries must be linked via the fact_relationship table (many-to-many relationship).

We recommend using the specimen table approach, as it allows for a more nuanced way to store results, despite being potentially more cumbersome for users.

The ECLS CDM introduced two new concepts to denote the exact origin when drawing blood from an extracorporeal circuit.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717874 Pre-membrane lung blood specimen specimen
36717875 Post-membrane lung blood specimen specimen


A pre-pump head blood specimen is intentionally missing as it is equal to Pre-membrane lung blood specimen.

Typical other sites of origin are:

concept_id concept_name table comment
4047496 Arterial blood specimen specimen
4045667 Venous blood specimen specimen


If laterality is important (V-A ECMO with possible differential oxygenation), use the anatomic_site_concept_id:

For example:

4284463, Structure of left radial artery
4276858, Structure of right radial artery

Since settings and actual measurements can differ, we provide both concept types. In most cases, the setting and the actual measurement might be the same.

RPM is a unit

Revolutions per minute (RPM), although frequently misused as a proxy for the blood pump speed, is a unit.

concept_id concept_name table proposed UOM comment
36717866 Extracorporeal life support pump flow rate setting observation L/min
36717867 Extracorporeal life support pump rotational speed setting observation /min
36717868 Extracorporeal life support temperature regulation device target setting observation Cel
36717869 Extracorporeal life support pump flow rate measurement L/min
36717870 Extracorporeal life support pump rotational speed measurement /min
36717871 Extracorporeal life support temperature regulation device temperature measurement Cel

Measurements about the performance of the membrane lung in respect to the patient’s status are of high interest.

concept_id concept_name table proposed UOM comment
36717879 Device inlet carbon dioxide fraction measurement %
36717880 Device inlet oxygen fraction measurement %
36717881 Sweep gas flow rate measurement L/min
36717882 Sweep gas inlet carbon dioxide fraction measurement %
36717883 Sweep gas inlet oxygen fraction measurement %
36717884 Effective extracorporeal flow measurement %
36717885 Extracorporeal flow fraction measurement %
36717886 Outlet blood oxygen saturation measurement %
36717887 Inlet blood oxygen saturation measurement %
36717888 Pre-membrane lung carbon dioxide tension measurement mmHg
36717889 Pre-membrane lung oxygen tension measurement mmHg
36717890 Pre-membrane lung pressure measurement mmHg
36717891 Pre-membrane lung oxygen saturation measurement %
36717892 Post-membrane lung carbon dioxide tension measurement mmHg
36717893 Post-membrane lung oxygen tension measurement mmHg
36717894 Post-membrane lung pressure measurement mmHg
36717895 Post-membrane lung oxygen saturation measurement %
36717896 Pump inlet pressure measurement mmHg
36717897 Membrane lung pressure drop measurement mmHg
36717898 Recirculation fraction measurement %

Procedures on the circuit

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717862 Water change of extracorporeal life support temperature regulation device procedure
36717863 Manual operation of extracorporeal life support device procedure Using the hand crank
36717848 Sighing of extracorporeal membrane lung procedure Sighing is the official term. Other typical terms used are flushing or sneezing.

Differential oxygenation and CO2 tension

In venoarterial ECMO, blood can be differentially oxygenated and decarboxylated depending on the intrinsic cardiac output.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717859 Differential oxygenation observation In a clinical setting, synonyms such as Harlequin syndrome or North-South phenomenon are typically used.
36717861 Differential carbon dioxide tension observation


36717860, Differential hypoxemia is the resulting condition. Do not forget to create an entry for it in the condition_occurrence table.


Recirculation is only observable in venovenous configurations. Do not forget about the recirculation fraction as measureable parameter.


Recirculation can also be a reason to exchange parts of your circuit. If it is the primary reason it is considered a complication. Make sure to use the concept for stop_reason_concept_id if this is the case.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717821 Recirculation observation

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) using the ECLS circuit

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) machines can be connected to the ECLS circuit in different ways.


Make sure to create at least a procedure_occurrence entry for the therapy itself. E.g., 37018292, Continuous renal replacement therapy.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717911 Configuration of renal replacement therapy attached to extracorporeal life support circuit observation observation_concept_id + one of the following as value_as_concept
36717912 Pre-membrane lung drainage; pre-membrane lung return
36717913 Pre-membrane lung drainage; pre-blood pump return
36717914 Post-membrane lung drainage; pre-membrane lung return
36717915 Post-membrane lung drainage; pre-blood pump return

ECLS circuits can be modified by introducing different devices. If these devices are present in your system, create an entry for them. Storing these in the device_exposure table was a deliberate design choice for the first version of the ECLS CDM, but this may change in a future update.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717855 Extracorporeal air bubble/foam detector device_exposure
36717856 Extracorporeal filter device_exposure
36717857 Extracorporeal bladder device_exposure
36717858 Extracorporeal loop device_exposure

Discontinuation trial

When the ECLS circuit is temporarily stopped (without decannulation) to assess if the patient can survive without support, you can use this concept to record the exact timing.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717921 Extracorporeal life support discontinuation trial procedure

General concepts

General patient characteristics

concept_id concept_name table proposed UOM comment
3036277 Body height measurement centimeter
3025315 Body weight measurement kilogram
3011043 Birth weight Measured measurement kilogram
3012266 Gestational age measurement week

Race, ethnicity and gender

The collection of a patient’s race, ethnicity, and gender is a controversial topic. For example, due to historical reasons, race and ethnicity are not collected on a regular basis in Germany or Austria when patients are admitted to the hospital. If you need data regarding gender, race, or ethnicity, follow the official documentation on how to store such information:

Units of measurement


Physical concept Units
Pressure mmHg [conversion: 1 kPa ≙ 7.5 mmHg] 
Volumetric flow l/min
Length cm: cannula length, cannula insertion depth, device dimensions measurements
m: tubing length > 50cm
in: circuit tubing diameter
Fr: cannula (outer) diameter
Temperature °C [conversion: (°F - 32) * 5/9 = 0 °C]
Respiratory mbar or cmH2O [they are virtually identical: 1mbar = 1.01972 cmH₂O]

The following units are often encountered in the field of ECLS.

concept_id concept_code concept_name
8876 mm[Hg] millimeter mercury column
8541 /min per minute
8698 L/min liter per minute
32710 L/min/m2 liter per minute per square meter
586323 Cel degree Celsius
8582 cm centimeter
9529 kg kilogram
8554 % percent
8617 m2 square meter
720858 mbar millibar
44777602 kPa kilopascal
44777590 cm[H2O] centimeter watercolumn
720865 ml/mbar milliliter per millibar
9586 mol/L mole per liter
9579 mmol/mol millimole per mole
9570 mL/dL milliliter per deciliter
8840 mg/dL milligram per deciliter
8576 mg milligram
8504 g gram
9546 m meter
9327 [in_i] inch (international)
9655 ug microgram
8511 wk week


For a complete list, check out the UCUM vocabulary here.

Vital parameters

concept_id concept_name table proposed UOM comment
3027018 Heart rate measurement /min
21490670 Heart rate Intra arterial line by Invasive measurement /min
21490853 Invasive Systolic blood pressure measurement mmHg
21490852 Invasive Mean blood pressure measurement mmHg
21490851 Invasive Diastolic blood pressure measurement mmHg
36032120 Systolic blood pressure mean measurement mmHg
3027598 Mean blood pressure measurement mmHg
36031214 Diastolic blood pressure mean measurement mmHg
3005606 Pulmonary artery Systolic blood pressure measurement mmHg
3028074 Pulmonary artery Mean blood pressure measurement mmHg
3017188 Pulmonary artery Diastolic blood pressure measurement mmHg
3020891 Body temperature measurement Cel
44809207 Target body temperature measurement Cel
4196147 Peripheral oxygen saturation measurement %


Placing a patient in a prone or semi-prone position is often useful in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. If you want to capture a patient in a prone position, use the following concepts:

concept_id concept_name table comment
4196006 Placing subject in prone position procedure plus
4050473 Prone body position observation = 180°
4189315 Left lateral tilt observation = right side up
4213916 Right lateral tilt observation = left side up


A new approach in ECLS therapy involves combining ECLS with Impella. You can use the below concepts for the implantation strategy (procedure_occurrence) and use one of the available devices in device_exposure.

concept_id concept_name table comment
36717917 Implantation of transvalvular microaxial flow pump procedure
36717918 Open implantation of transvalvular microaxial flow pump procedure
36717919 Percutaneous implantation of transvalvular microaxial flow pump procedure